Saturday, October 24, 2009


Download Youtube Video

I know you people are crazy about the YOUTUBE and want to DOWNLOAD those videos!!
Now, I will tell you how to DOWNLOAD YOUTUBE VIDEOS without software.
Open the youtube video in the site YOUTUBE!
Copy the following javascript………
javascript:b=fullscreenUrl;g=b.indexOf(”t=”);d=b.indexOf(”&hl”);h=b.substring(g,d);link=”” + pageVideoId + “&” + h;location=(link);void(0)
Paste this in the address bar (where you write the link/address of a site in the browser)
Hit the “ENTER” key!!
Now It is DONE!!!


Forgot BIOS Password ?
Do the following :
1. Open the CPU

2. Now, observe the motherboard.

3. You notice a coin like silver Battery(3V).

----------------------------------------- NOTE --------------------------------------------------------This battery is 24 x 7 power supply for the BIOS, which is used to run the system clock will the main power is off. It also initiates the booting process when power is switched on.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4. Remove the battery from the motherboard.(It is safe to remove the Battery)5. Wait 30 seconds and place the battery back on the motherboard.6. Now, when you start your system you won't be prompted for the BIOS password.
Enjoy !!!------------------------------------ CAUTION -----------------------------------------------1. Perform on your own risk !2. You have to set the time of your computer when you start again.


Folder Lock is a fast data encryption and password protection software for Windows. It can simultaneously encrypt, lock and password protect your files, folders, drives, USB drives and even CD/DVD-RW.
Folder Lock creates encrypted storages called 'Lockers'. You can keep as many of your private files & folders in your Locker and password protect it with a single click. You can transfer, secure and backup these Lockers. Lockers are portable, you can keep them in USB Flash Drives, CD/DVD (R-RW), & notebooks or transfer them via email or upload. Lockers are even undeletable on the computer where Folder Lock is installed.You can treat Lockers just as you would treat them in physical world. Each user can have their own Lockers. However, a single user can create multiple Lockers with different passwords as well. With Folder Lock, you can choose eitherto encrypt using 256-bit AES on-the-fly encryption or lock files, folders and drives anywhere on your computer. Each Locker can contain your encrypted files as well as your personal list of locked items.
Furthermore, Folder Lock's options like hack attempt monitoring, stealth mode, data shredding, history cleaning & auto protection can enhance data security beyond anything ever achieved. In addition, a locker's delete, move and rename are password protected to prevent data loss.
Folder Lock is Windows Vista / 2003 / XP / 2000 compatible and is the most downloaded File Security program in the market today.
Never give folder lock access to the internet because the program will check serial key with the server.



Here i give some simple tips to find out whether your battery lifetime is over or not:
(i) Remove battery from the mobile phone and lay on a flat table. Spin it, if its spin, you must chage battery. if its doesn’t, continue using unless the stand by time cannot last more than a day.
(ii)When you charge the battery usually will take 2 to 4 hours to get fully charged. If less than 2 hours, get new one. If more than 4 hours, check the battery temperature feels hot must send it to get a check up.
(iii) When you plug in the charger the gadget gives warning sound, or not charging, invalid battery and battery not detected, you don’t have second choice you must change the battery.

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